«I paint the material, I emphasize it. I scratch the layers, I withdraw, I add. I have sculptor's hands and I want to show the material as a trace of my passage. I want her to come out of the canvas, let the living be formed, be animated. I am an organic being. I go naked, carrying cells and skin without ever being caught by the traps of brain art. I knead, I sculpte, I sew. I take the road to trace and I explore through the web the world I build. The brush, the color, the incipient matter guide me; I have heartbeats to fix on the support of my emotions. I mold my days into so many shapes to come. I discover the parts of my life that come back to light and rest on the canvas. This rest is an illusion because I never intend to stop.»
Alfred de Ville de Goyet

«I saw the glory of war. Like a death sabre echoing under the snow, the skeleton of a horse lay by the side of the road. Only a crow was looking for carrion in the snow, where the wind gnawed the bones and rust gnawed the iron.»
Peter Huchel (1903-1981) Der Rückzug I

«This poem, my favorite, came to my mind when I saw a sculpture by Bruno Deprez, a small sculpted horse's head... I bought the head immediately, later came a gouache: Smoking Horse? Smoking makes people do it. Now I am fascinated by Bruno's little "house fetishes." Claudine Van Lier follows the rise of this young artist. I continue to observe his winding paths. His more recent works also reflect his pacifism. He will not back down. His works are full of hope. For him, there is only one way to go!»
Charlotte Wernecke